So yes, eventually with two bouncing toddlers leaping around my room, I did peel my face off the sheets and rise from the dead. I dragged my sorry ass downstairs, managed to fix them eggs and get a cup of coffee going for myself. While they ate I read a few headlines in the paper and bravely attempted to read a few WHOLE articles. Realizing there was no way I was getting to the gym in this state, I called a friend who I hadn't seen all week to see if she and her kids wanted to join us for some bike riding. (moms on curb- kids on bikes) Feeling like I was able to get the day going, I decided to make a phone call to SJ's doctor's office (a daily call we've been making for a few weeks to see if there were any cancelations so he could move up the date for his physical). After explaining why I was calling, I was informed of two things- 1. there had been no cancelations and 2. SJ's appointment for 4/27 had been canceled and moved to 5/31. FREAK OUT CITY! "NNNNNOOO, that that that won't won't work !" Stammered out of my mouth. After explaining AGAIN that this was paperwork for an adoption and that we just can't hold the process for a whole month for one piece of the puzzle, she apologized that there were just no other appointments. So, I cried. She put me on hold. We got an appointment for 4/28. She also let SJ come in today to have the labs drawn so the paper work will be done and signed on 4/28. PHEW!
So now, back on to me feeling like I could get on with my day. After all that I was now half an hour late to our play date and then off to lunch with my mom and then to meet SJ at the doc's office with the CCAI medical form. On our way home the kids and I stopped at Toys R Us to pick up a birthday present for a party and L threw the biggest fit in the store. It wasn't a tantrum. It was an obnoxious pre-adolescent fit coming from a 4 year old with a grand finale of her hitting me in the store. We left quickly.
We got home. I threw something together for dinner. Had them in PJs at 6:15 and when SJ walked in at 6:46 I grunted, "put them to bed". I was so exhausted that I decided to skip dinner and crawl into bed however when I got upstairs I found that I had put a huge pile of unfolded laundry on my side of the bed. I grabbed the whole pile and put it back in the dryer and as I was doing so, something fell out of the laundry. This...
went through both the wash and dry cycles. I guess things could have been worse today!
SATURDAY- Interrogation of family members to find out who puts packets of ketchup in their pockets!!!! (my money is on SJ)
I would say "don't worry, it can only get better" but since I have two monkey's also.....I won't jinx you like that!!!!! Here's to HOPING it gets for can only get better- the house guest from HELL is leaving!!!!!
That is so great about the SW...I can't wait for us to begin the already consumes so much of our conversations! Our guest was a friend we used to know while we lived in England.....people do change!!! I don't remember her being soooo odd- as it is- she is at the airport and the next year or more (ha ha) will be taken up with the adoption so I have my "excuse" ready for her next visit request!!!!! Have a great day....
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