Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Wise Mother"

Feeling a bit smug so I figured I should post about it. It is that time of year when all hell breaks loose and you can barely figure out which way is up. Yes, I am referring to the "end of school" insanity season. Being a new kindergarten mom, I was unaware things could get more out of control than the Christmas season but in fact they have. I have loved every minute of celebrating the end of the year but boy I feel totally spun around. Tomorrow is the official last day of school here and I for one am very much looking forward to the lazy days of summer. So what may you ask am I feeling so smug about. Well, I'll tell you, it's the teacher presents I got for L's teachers. I managed to find a really good deal on great white bathrobes a while back around the same time I got a new sewing machine that embroiders large enough to MONOGRAM! Well I have been largely afraid of said machine until realizing on Monday that I needed to figure the damn thing out. Well after destroying several wash cloths and countless choice words, I got the hang of the settings and was able to create this...

How psyched would you be to get this as a random gift?? Added to that I found these inexpensive bags at my local favorite paper store to use as the gift wrap. Tell me, are these not great looking gifts???

So added to all that gift glory, I also learned on the back of my milk bottle this morning that I am a "Wise Mother". Gosh that was reassuring. I recently headed over to this dairy to try out the milk that so many people seem to be using and boy oh boy was it tasty! It of course has no added hormones and comes in glass bottles. (I have become very wary of plastic these days) And to boot they deliver. So here we go with weekly and probably expensive milk delivery! Can't wait.