It is over. The holiday we spend months gearing up for is now sealed up with a bow. After our own madness at home with gifts galore we went to my parents house for dinner to exchange gifts with the rest of my family. After all the presents were opened, we sat down to a lovely dinner my mom cooked and I started to finally relax after my holiday gauntlet (click here for post describing said gauntlet).. I marveled at the thought that my cards got out before Christmas, the teacher gifts were meaningful, sweets were baked and delivered, presents were purchased, wrapped and sent on time, and everyone liked their gifts. Even me! It was a good holiday season and as I settled down with a good glass of red wine courtesy of my brother and sister-in-law, I decided it was time for my long awaited post-holiday season relaxation period. A time when I can get back to my crafty, creative, have time to cook dinner self. A few hours later we piled our family into the car to head home. I sat in the passenger seat and closed my eyes and thought, finally, a good night's sleep without a monster "to-do" list hanging over my head. That is when the cute little 3-year old voice poped up from the back seat saying "mommy, how long till my birthday?"
Ahhhh, kids....always needing more!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!!
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