Monday, August 22, 2011

Consulate Appointment

Today we had our consulate appointment. Our CCAI group 1751 had a 10 am appointment at the US Consulate for the Swearing in Ceremony. We didn't really know what to expect. We got on the bus at 9:00 am, rode to the consulate where we presented our US Passports to get in and then rode the elevator to the 5th floor to gather in the waiting room for the oath. We went through security and then took a seat in a room with some chairs and teller windows. At 10:00 a woman appeared in the window and through the microphone asked us to raise our right hands and repeat after her. It was basically an oath swearing that we gave them truthful information. She said congratulations and that was that. It was sweet though and I cried. So did Debbie! After that, we had to pay for the visa and then submit the paperwork and Cici's Chinese passport.

I am exhausted today so I am going to keep it short. Here are a few pictures of Cici in her stars and stripes outfit for the US Consulate....


Debbie Sauer said...

She is gorgeous! Love her outfit for the big day. Blessings

Tawni said...


I'm not sure if you rememeber me - Tawni - we were in the same China adoption group like 5 years ago ;-)...I am SO thrilled for you and your family. Congratulations!!!


Chatty Cricket said...
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petits sucrés said...

way too sweet.

Charity, Katie, Louie & Natalie said...
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Charity, Katie, Louie & Natalie said...

I can't get over how beautiful Cici is and how well it she fits in with her new family. It makes me so happy to see. xoxo

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

She is abosolutely beautiful! Congrats again! Rhonda

veronica said...

I don't know how I stumbled across your blog, but I'm so happy I did. Your adventure has had me spilling tears of joy for you and your family. Congratulations! I know this has been a long time coming!